Mail Order And Regular Sharpening Service

James Ferrari and Sons’ core business is our Knife Sharpening Service. We provide personalized, custom built sets of Sharpened Knives ranging from a full selection of regular knives to specialty knives such as Pizza Knives, Pizza Wheels and Double Handle Cheese Knives. We have over 1400 Customers in the Southeastern Michigan Region who receive weekly, bi-weekly and monthly Knife Sharpening Services. Our regular customers receive a duplicated knife set on their scheduled delivery day. We also incorporate delivery of Butcher and Deli Supplies, along with all of the items featured on this Website. We do not charge to deliver supplies on schedule days as delivery is included in the knife set rental price.
We supply high quality stainless steel knives with plastic or wood handles. The plastic handled knives are offered in a multitude of colors to allow for cross contamination control or departmental inventory control. We also offer a selection of quality, wood handle knives as an option for the customer’s set.
Please feel free to utilize our “Contact Us” Link on our Home Page to set up a custom Quote.
We are pleased to announce a new service provide by James Ferrari and Sons. That is our MAIL ORDER SHARPENING SERVICE.
Utilizing our “Contact Us” link on our Home Page, the customer can provide us with an inventory of knives or other items to be sharpened. We will then e-mail a quote back to the customer who packages up their items and ships them to us for sharpening. Attached to the e-mail will be a shipping form for the customer to fill out and include in the knife package. The quote will include the cost for the return shipping as the customer is responsible for shipping to and from our facility in Mt. Clemens, Michigan. Knife sharpening is typically $2.00 per knife with additional costs for serrated or damaged knives. Other items to be sharpened are charged more or less depending on the item and sharpening difficulty.
We also professionally hand sharpen or hollow grind all types of hunting knives. Additionally we sharpen grinder knives and plates up to #52, chain saw chains, scissors, axes, hedge trimmers both hand and power and many other items. In fact, if it cuts, we can probably sharpen it!
For further information, please do not hesitate to e-mail us or call us at 586-790-1800.